Does motion sickness glasses Really Work?

These types of motion sickness glasses claim to have cured up to 95 percent of motion sickness cases in their initial tests- Claimed by Citroen, the initial designer

The blue liquid in the Anti-Motion Sickness Glasses helps your eyes and balance system synchronize, freeing you from the uncomfortable symptoms.

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 It’s also possible the glasses could work for land travel but be less effective if you’re on a ship.-Healthline

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An ear, nose and throat doctor explains why these anti-motion sickness glasses can help you feel less nauseous on land, air and sea.

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I wore them on the drive and shockingly, they worked! I put them on 5-10 minutes before we left and then wore them for the first hour or so!

“I decided to order them and try them out,” she said. “For Easter, we had to drive down to Pennsylvania and then back up to Connecticut. I wore them on the drive and shockingly, they worked! I put them on 5-10 minutes before we left and then wore them for the first hour or so. I wasn’t sick at all! I could even help my daughter put her shoes on from the front seat and use my phone!”-


I’m Joshua Barnes, a freelancer illustrator and writer

It is important to take care of the patient, to be followed by the doctor, but it is a time of great pain and suffering. For to come to the smallest detail, no one should practice any kind of work unless he derives some benefit from it.